memtester arm

Is there a way to do complete memory test on android device RAM? I'm developing a driver but at ramdom times I get certain physical addresses with wrong value causing the driver ...

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Today, we all have a long list of websites and apps that require a seemingly endless array of login details and passwords to access them. Keeping track of all of them is a tedious affair. This is wh...

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  • A userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults. It's portable and sho...
    memtester version 4 - Pyropus Technology
  • 我們在自己的新開發的板子上測試DDR穩定性很必要,儘管uboot下可以用mtest測試DDR,但是由於uboot一般不使能cache,測試不完全,一旦開cache,DDR會出現bu...
    ARM linux下memtester交叉編譯 - CSDN博客
  • Is there a way to do complete memory test on android device RAM? I'm developing a driv...
    linux - How to do memory test on Arm Architecture Hardware? ...
  • 這是個標準的 memory tester,源自於 x86 Linux 的測試軟體,並符合 GPL license 一般用 Ubuntu 的開機光碟,就可以在開機階段,直接跳到 me...
    渺小且微不足道的晦暗: DDRx RAM test - Memtester
  • jnavila / memtester Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0 Insights Dismiss Join GitHub ...
    GitHub - jnavilamemtester: Simple memory tester forked from ...
  • I have an embedded device. It is ARM based, with Linux 2.6.31 and has 256 MB RAM. I wanted...
    linux - How can I test the RAM for data corruption on an ARM ...
  • install#free -m#memtester 15 ... Linux下記憶體檢測工具—Memtester ,L. MIS 設為首頁 收藏本站 開啟輔助訪問 自動登錄 找回密...
    Linux下記憶體檢測工具—Memtester - 系統功能 - L. MIS
  • MemTest86 is the original self booting memory testing software for x86 computers. Supporti...
    MemTest86 - Official Site of the x86 Memory Testing Tool
  • royzhao / memtester4Android Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0 Insights Dismiss Join...
    GitHub - royzhaomemtester4Android: porting memtester to And ...
  • 要把memtester移植到arm的版子上來執行,因為memtester本身沒有configure的script來幫你產生Makefile,不過只需要去修改下面兩個檔案就可以達到c...
    迷途工程師: 交叉編譯memtester來測試記憶體是否有問題